Effortless Singing Workshop with Brenda Freed

Girl Guitar Austin, Austin, TX

Girl Guitar Effortless Singing Workshop with Brenda Freed Brenda Freed, MA in Music Ed/Music Therapy, has been performing all her life and teaching Effortless Singing privately for over 20 years from her studio in Blanco, TX, by skype and at conferences and festivals. Erin McGrane (of Victor & Penny), a Folk Alliance International workshop attendee, described her teaching best: “I was impressed with Brenda’s gift for quickly identifying the root of a singer's problem. Her methods are solid; the concepts clear and precise. Her positive hands-on delivery and obvious enthusiasm for singing draw students in and gets them participating.”

In this Effortless Singing Workshop, participants will learn and experience 1) the importance of proper posture; 2) warming up the body through a series of simple stretches; 3) the belly breath and belly breath exercises; 4) vocal exercises using the belly breath to increase vocal range and stamina; 5) the “smile lip pucker lift” to improve pitch and tone; 6) combining the belly breath with the lip pucker to safely project the voice and avoid getting hoarse, and 7) how to incorporate these Effortless Singing techniques into a song to enhance how lyrics are delivered.

Brenda will work with the group as a whole, and with volunteer individuals, so bring a song you’d like to work on. As she works with individuals, all will participate and benefit from the instruction. All levels of singers are welcome. If you want to improve your singing in some way, this fun and informative workshop is for you! Handouts provided and product available for ongoing individual study and practice.
www.EffortlessMusicInstruction.com www.facebook.com/EffortlessMusicInstruction @EMInstruction

21+, $50