Intro to Music Theory Workshop with Sophia Johnson

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Girl Guitar Austin, Austin, TX

This will not be boring or pointless!! I know that the words “music theory” send shudders down most guitarist’s spines - but it doesn’t need to be that way! In this session I hope that I will be able to begin the demystification process about the building blocks of understanding how music actually works. Music comes first, we all know what sounds good when we hear it, music theory is just an explanation of why it sounds good! I will be talking a lot about chords and the neck of the guitar, how capos work, the Nashville number system, and answering any questions you may have. I urge you to face your fears about music theory because the more the know, and the less mysterious all of this is, the more confidence you will have - which will all feed into your playing and skill set.

Cost for Workshop: $85/pp

Email to register.